Rent a car, limousine or van with a driver for a day when you need transportation, traveling in a limousine with a driver is one of the best ways to travel. For executive chauffeured car rentals, make sure you have a clearly defined contract to help avoid any potential problems. We can provide full-time law enforcement chauffeurs and support chauffeurs if your primary driver becomes ill. Finest Chauffeurs has provided private drivers for celebrities during fashion week & film festivals, personal drivers for executives at trade shows, safety drivers for dignitaries during United Nations week & private chauffeurs for CEOs at corporate events.
Anna Leblanc
Unapologetic pop culture guru. Extreme coffee specialist. Amateur travel advocate. Lifelong tv guru. Typical beeraholic. Typical social media maven.
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What does chauffeur mean in slang?
Anna Leblanc0 minutes 28, seconds readAn example of a chauffeur is a limousine driver. Do you pay someone to drive you? Then you have a private chauffeur.
What are personal drivers called?
Anna Leblanc2 minutes 37, seconds readA chauffeur is a person employed to drive a motorized passenger vehicle, especially a luxury vehicle, such as a large sedan or limousine. A personal driver can simply be called a “driver”.
How much does a personal driver cost in nyc?
Anna Leblanc1 minute 42, seconds readThePricer is a website born and raised in the United States that provides its visitors with thoroughly researched and unbiased cost information on many different and popular products and services. A personal chauffeur, also called a personal driver, is a person who drives cars to a specific location.
Can you drink in a chauffeured car?
Anna Leblanc2 minutes 29, seconds readFlorida's open container laws prohibit drivers and passengers from having alcohol open and available in their vehicles. Drivers can be fined for an open container violation if they have the container with them or within reach.